4450 S. Rural Rd, Suite 132, Tempe, AZ 85282


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Hi, I am Scott McLaine ...

Hi! ... I’m Scott McLaine, host of the BrightWealth® Show and I am the Managing Partner of BrightAdvisor®.   BrightWealth® publishes financial education videos and hosts live events.   BrightAdvisor® delivers world class financial services to everyday working Americans.


I have published hundreds of financial education videos with millions of views. I teach everything from the basics of personal finance, retirement accounts, active investing, to advanced tax savings loopholes and strategies for business owners and high network households.


My speciality is financial planning and tax strategies for High Net-worth Households and growing businesses.


Currently, our team has helped millions of people with our content, trained thousands of professionals on finance, performed hundreds of workshops for companies, and provided financial education for hundreds of thousands of people online … and have empowered many, many individuals and families to create their IncomeForever™ Retirement, so they never have an out of money experience.


I would love the Opportunity to take a look at your situation and see what we can do.


Get in touch


  602-737-0447  cell



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Schedule a 1-on-1 Planning Session

with Scott McLaine

  • Tax Savings Strategy for High Income Earners 
  • Actively Traded Retirement and Investment Accounts
  • Crypto Portfolio Design and Buy Strategy
  • Financial Planning 
  • Self Directing (ROTH IRA, Solo(k), Crypto ROTH, etc) 



Scott is Your Personal Financial Strategists

Let me go to work for you and design a strategy to reduce your taxes, protect your estate, and put more money in your pocket.  You are a good candidate if you have a High Networth with high annual gains , High W-2 Income Earner, facing 1 time or annual big capital Gains. Schedule a planning session to explore how we can help you. 

Tax Savings & Loop Hole Strategy for High Income Earners 100%
Actively Traded Investments 100%
Crypto Strategy and Portfolio Design 100%
Financial & Wealth Training 100%
Interactive 24/7 Financial Planning 100%
Mega Solo 401(k) Design 100%
Tax Free Growth Strategies 100%
Large Capital Gains Tax Savings Strategies 100%